Our Expertise
Craftstones was formed in 1953 to produce stones in quantity for the developing new lapidary market. The Company pioneered the method of polishing stones in bulk known as "tumbling". From paint cans holding 10lbs of stone, the tumblers grew in size as demand required greater and more cost effective production until the Company settled on giant 6000lbs Tumblers which are still used today by our parent company Topstones in South Africa, we are their main distributor in United States and Canada.
Craftstones supply over 200 type of stones in 11 different sizes worldwide. The market for these stones includes Jewelry and Souvenirs. Also another very successful field for our tumbled stones is the meta-physical market, catering to the New Age demand for natural products and alternative healing methods. Tumbled Stones have become highly sought after for a variety of mystical and healing uses as they fit the description of "natural products" having not been individually cut or shaped by Man which is very important for their use in the metaphysical field, and of course all these stones are available at affordable prices.